in love with the process.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve definitely been in ‘production mode.’

Working on my website, organizing and planning tsoana’s details, and, of course, fulfilling ceramics orders!

One thing is for certain, and that is that I really love the process.  It’s kind of like that phrase that goes something like:  it’s all in the journey, not the destination.  While I certainly like hitting the big goals and reaching my ‘destinations,’ I also like to step back and enjoy the details in the process.  Without the process, we would lack growth and understanding.  We would lack the fine details.  Without the process, tsoana and our creations loses the love.

Without further ado, an ‘ode’ to recent process:
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Hope you’re having a great, productive week.  Let us know what you’ve been up to with the hashtag #worktoinspire !